1. R?MJ: The Mystery Hospital: What's Going On | Hondoori Game Center
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R?MJ : The Mystery Hospital is one of the many games to come out of Japan – or rather, stay in Japan – during the rise of the PS1 and 3D graphics that tried to be a “cinematic exp…

2. R?MJ: NO FEAR - Kimimi The Game-Eating She-Monster
20 jan 2020 · It all starts off reasonably enough – an explosion traps you and your friends inside a contaminated hospital filled with dead phone lines and one newspaper.
Maverick developer Kenji Eno has a lot to answer for: He’s the only creator who’s ever made me check to see if my potential game purchases included their matching braille instruction sh…

3. Walkthrough - IGN
19 jul 2010 · and Bandai's R?MJ: The Mystery Hospital (a.k.a. MJ) is a graphic adventure that features a real-time infection element where the hero will ...
R?MJ: The Mystery Hospital

4. Download R?MJ: The Mystery Hospital (SEGA Saturn)
This adventure game is now abandonware and is set in a detective / mystery, horror, sci-fi / futuristic and full motion video themes.
Remember R?MJ: The Mystery Hospital (SEGA Saturn), an old video game from 1997? Download it and play again on MyAbandonware.

5. R?MJ: The Mystery Hospital - (SS) SEGA Saturn (Japanese Import)
R?MJ: The Mystery Hospital is an Adventure game, developed by System Sacom and published by Bandai, which was released in Japan in 1997.
See AlsoDoes Ray Kermani Have A Husband

6. R?MJ: The Mystery Hospital (PlayStation)
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7. R?MJ: The Mystery Hospital Cheats - Saturn Cheats Guide - IGN
14 mrt 2017 · Enter the name as "TRIPPERS" and check the computer terminal. An error has occurred. You Are Indiana Jones. Become the legendary archaeologist ...
This page contains a list of cheats, codes, Easter eggs, tips, and other secrets for R?MJ: The Mystery Hospital for Saturn. If you've discovered a cheat

8. Updated patch adds subtitles to Mystery Hospital's FMVs on Saturn
30 nov 2023 · R?MJ The Mystery Hospital is a 1997 interactive horror adventure game from System Sacom, who are best known for The Mansion of Hidden Souls and ...
The Wayback Machine is an initiative of the Internet Archive, a 501(c)(3) non-profit, building a digital library of Internet sites and other cultural artifacts in digital form. Other projects include Open Library & archive-it.org.
9. R?MJ: The Mystery Hospital For Sega Saturn Is Getting An English Fan ...
20 nov 2023 · R?MJ: The Mystery Hospital follows a group of four individuals who find themselves trapped inside a hospital after the outbreak of a deadly ...
This follows last year's patch for the PS1 version

R?MJ - The Mystery Hospital is a first person adventure game released for the Playstation One & Sega Saturn consoles.
PLOT: 1999 Summer, explosion has erupted inside a huge statewise hospital. The cause of the explosion was unknown. Caught inside the explosion is Hajime, his friends Ryo and Tomowo, a new on duty nurse Aya. Shortly after, suddenly they are also joined by a mysterious beautiful young girl called Misato. All of them are trying their best to and hope to get out of the Hospital alive...